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Opinion over Belief over Truth?

“I’m Entitled to my opinion.”... I don't know if you're entitled to it but we've all got them. Those 5 words seem to be the go to phrase when used to shelter beliefs that should be abandoned in lieu of valid and beneficial information. Dismissing anything contrary to what you've always believed or what you've been raised to believe seems like a disservice to your ability to critically think. Can we not entertain an idea without accepting it as truth or adopting it as one of our core beliefs?

Remember the whole - the Sun revolves around the flat Earth bit - or what about the blatant denial of medical professionals that germs existed or smoking caused cancer or formula is superior to breast. 

The phrase becomes shorthand for “I can say or think whatever I like” – and by extension...I know continuing to argue is disrespectful so let me throw out this trump card, “I’m entitled to my opinion.” My opinion is a SELF REPORT it is biased, it's my perspective that is limited (we only see in part), and with no way of being proven. The best way to prepare a filet....the best way to raise a defiant/strong willed child.... the best way to heal from trauma, the best way to heal from infidelity. These are all very personal and based on the individual and group. There is a world, a google, a gaggle of books, of facts surrounding it all. The thing about facts is that they can and are tampered with, twisted around, amputated and shown in certain ways that mislead people. Books based on opinion, based on human limited perspective. The paths to perspective depend on how are you framing it. We may get the “facts” relatively easily, but truths are usually harder to find. So what the heck are we supposed to believe? It depends on WHAT you believe. We, humans, (ALLLLLL OF US) are symbolic, conceptual thinkers who use abstract ideas to plan for very real futures. Where's you faith? What's your faith in? Is your faith with the individual, the group, or with God? Only one of those, God, has never failed me. Only one of those, God, brings chaos into order, darkness into light, sickness into health, poverty into abundance, destruction into restoration, and division into unity. Sometimes it doesn’t matter what you think. It doesn’t matter what you prefer. It doesn’t matter what your opinion is. There is a right answer and a wrong answer. And any one of us can be wrong- 7 times 77 times in a day. If you don’t believe me, try fitting a size 8 foot into a size 4 shoe by explaining to your foot that the shoe size isn't the problem - in your opinion.  

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