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Feeling the Box

(“No one knows what it means, but it's provocative ... it gets the people going!”)

You have come to the tipping point. You need new results. The script has got to change. Something has got to change before something else gives way to something even more uncontrollable. Man, that’s a lot of something’s. Too many somethings. Something. Time to start thinking outside the box. Wait. Or maybe inside the box. Is it a box? What box is it? Am “I” in it or out of it? Where is the instruction manual for this box!! Are there special glasses? You can’t see in or out of your box until you start really seeing the whole box. Your box is your life story. Your testimony. It’s time to get with it. Fully with it. You must be fully alert and aware of what you believe, what you’ve assumed, and start to validate and honor what you feel about your story. It’s time to unearth what you’ve spent so much effort trying to burry. Time to start exploring and finding a real true peace. To think outside of the box you need to know what all is in it and every single detail. After all it’s yours. You’re the only one who can answer. It’s your treasure and magic. Just wait you’ll see. How big is it? How heavy? What else is in it? What happens when it gets wet? Is it flame resistant? People can change. Brains change. Hearts change. Behavior changes. Explore your thoughts and feelings. Hold every single one up to the light. Embrace full awareness! Bring it ALL into the light. Don’t ignore it, name it. Hold it all against the Word and see which ones can stand. Destroy every darkness and lie that is not of God, for good! Let the light penetrate every dark place and let it live permanently on the inside. Start looking with compassion at your own box! Empower yourself. You are the most brilliant, competent, strong, and compassionate human being to ever look through your own eyes. Don’t be afraid to catch feels.  

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