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The Healing Dance

No, I’m not talking about a full moon, ocean release... wiccan spell sort of pagan healing ritual. No, I’m not talking about a Native American rain dance or crystal belly dancing, crap. Stay with me. This might be madness, well, or genius... or MAD GENIUS HAHAHAHA. Dancing is visual. Dancing is unique, no two people look exactly the same moving in the same manner. Dancing requires body, soul, and spirit connection. Dancing is social, for others. Dancing requires a partner, someone to lead and someone to respond. Dancing starts with one step. Dancing requires a little bit of confidence, a little bit of bravery, and a little bit of humility. You’ve gotta “put yourself out there.” Dancing can be scary!!! “I’m going to look like a mess/I’m not going to do it right/I’m going to screw this up so hard.” These self limiting deprecating thoughts can lead most people to just hard pass the whole idea. Healing is visual. Healing is unique, no two people look exactly the same moving in the same manner. Healing requires body, soul, and spirit connection . Healing is social, for others. Healing requires a partner, someone to lead and someone to respond. Healing starts with one step. Healing requires a little bit of confidence, a little bit of bravery, and a little bit of humility. You’ve gotta “put yourself out there.” Healing can be scary!!! “I’m going to look like a mess/I’m not going to do it right/I’m going to screw this up so hard.” These self limiting deprecating thoughts can lead most people to just hard pass the whole idea. My scars are unique so my healing would be too, right?! Yes! 

When we keep what was done to us to ourselves, we give the hurt, the pain, and the shame the perfect place to grow, taking over our hearts and lives like black mold spores multiplying in darkness. To move forward requires us to open the door to our hearts, allowing God to shine a light on the sins committed against us and the lies we believed about them. It does not matter what you’ve been through, how ugly it is, what it looks like on the outside, the shame that comes with it - it can all be lifted off your shoulders. His love and His grace will just overshadow all of the darkness. Regardless of how we feel. We are set apart by God through His Spirit for the special miracle of divine healing. Healing in us, for us, through us, and ultimately for others. Healing happens as we bring the dark parts of our past into the light. It’s gonna feel weird, scary, awkward, hurt... all the things and feels but so does dancing when you first start. I have hope. It’s worth it. It’s a good struggle. 

Your struggle does not limit you. Your struggle does not limit God. 

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